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Receipt Data

Pursuant to the Austrian Cash Register Security Regulation (RKSV), receipts issued in Austria must at least include the following data:

  • till identification number (corresponds to cash_register_serial_number)
  • date and time of receipt issuing (corresponds to time_signature)
  • amount of cash payment per tax rate (corresponds to e.g. gross_amount_standard, depending on the vat rate) - this data must be included in the QR code
  • content of the machine-readable code (corresponds to qr_code_data)

This data is provided directly through the SIGN AT API and are highlighted in the following example receipt:

Receipt Data

Pursuant to the Austrian Federal Tax Code (BAO), the following data additionally have to be indicated on the receipt:

  • A unique identifier of the supplying company
  • A subsequent number (including one or more series of numbers) uniquely identifying the business transaction
  • Date of issue of the receipt
  • Amount and commercial name of supplied items, or nature and scope of services provided
  • Amount of cash payment
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