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DSFinV-K is the abbreviation for Digitale Schnittstelle der Finanzverwaltung für Kassensysteme, which corresponds to Digital Interface to the Revenue Administration for Point-of-Sale Systems.
The DSFinV-K describes an interface for the export of data recorded with an electronic record-keeping system (ERS) in the context of field tax audits and cash register inspections. Pursuant to the German legislation, it is mandatory to use the DSFinV-K format.

As of 1 January 2020, all data recorded with an electronic record-keeping system (ERS) must be protected with a certified technical security system (TSS). In case of an audit, this data must be made available via a standardized digital interface.

The fiskaly DSFinV-K API is a RESTful API that takes a cash point closing and stores data to be later exported according to the DSFinV-K.

To support international cash register manufacturers and providers, the tax authorities offer an English translation of the chapters that are most important for understanding. The tax authorities do not currently provide a complete translation of the DSFinV-K.

The translation of the individual chapters is exclusively an aid for non-German-speaking readers. In case of deviations between the translation and the original, the official German DSFinV-K version shall prevail.


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