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Dev News 7

· 2 minuti di lettura
Hannah Roegele

Hi, have a look at the changelog for the latest updates in the fiskaly system.

Latest Updates

Roadmap to V2

We published our Roadmap to V2, and it is available at:

We finished phase 1...

… of our Roadmap successfully. This means following is done:

  • TSS Initialization
  • Client Handling
  • Authentication
  • Test only Environment
  • Documentation Update
  • Base-Url:
  • TX-Handling ~End-of-Week

Phase 2 is nearly complete! This implementation generates certified TSSs, thus clearing the hurdle of fiscalization for many years to come. From now on, we will be in a continuous process of improvement with each new deployment.


For a quick first demo, you may use Postman. We prepared a Postman collection that allows you to step through the most important functions of this API.

FAQ’s V2

We’ll soon push a new FAQ’s section: If you want to place some questions there, please reach out to

QR Code replaces readable TSS Signature

On June 25, 2021, the German Bundesrat approved the ordinance amending the KassenSichV. The addition to § 6 sentence 2 KassenSichV makes it possible to omit printing certain information in plain text on a receipt, and instead display it in a QR code. Source: Bundesrat (TOP 86) or read our Blogpost.

Online Seminars

In our next online seminars we talk about the law amendment and give you updates on our system. Join us and register here:

  • German: Thursday, July 8, 2021, 10:00-10:45 am CEST
  • English: Friday, July 9, 2021, 10:00-10:45 am CEST

Cheers, Hannah from fiskaly

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