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Dev News 5

· 2 Minuten Lesezeit
Hannah Roegele

Hi, have a look at the changelog for the latest updates in the fiskaly system.

Current Changelog:

fiskaly Client v.1.2.200

  • Re-implemented HTTP client configuration to fix problems with proxies and certificates.
  • Fixed number formatting & validation.
  • Fixed ARM builds.
  • Extended health check function.

This is the last planned update for version 1 - if you're experiencing any issues, make sure to install the latest version.

DSFinV-K v0.7.0 is deployed.

  • Translated documentation into English.
  • Fixed missing businesscases.csv in exports.
  • Fixed missing itemamounts.csv in exports.
  • Fixed missing subitems.csv in exports.
  • Fixed order of CSV columns in multiple exported files.
  • Fixed the use of historic VAT definitions ("Historische Steuersätze") in a Cash Point Closing.
  • Fixed inconsistent revisions for Cash Registries.
  • Fixed response of upsertCashRegister to include the processing_flag and software field.
  • Wording improvements in the documentation.

Upcoming Online Seminar: Certification

We invite you to join our next online seminar: Certification


  • Certification and all around certification Other important topics for providers of digital POS systems
  • The seminar is offered in German and English. Register now:

German: Thursday, May 27, 2021 - 3:00-3:45 pm CEST English: Friday, May 28, 2021 - 10:30-11:15 am CEST

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Cheers, Hannah from fiskaly

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