Spain / Basque Country
The fiskaly SIGN DE - API is a RESTful API that implements a cloud-based, virtual TSS (Technical Security System) / TSE (Technische Sicherheitseinrichtung) as defined by the German KassenSichV (Kassensicherungsverordnung).
The fiskaly SIGN DE x Submission API is a RESTful API that supports the declaration of ERS data according to §146a (4) AO (Abgabenordnung).
The fiskaly DSFinV-K API is a RESTful API that can be used for automated DSFinV-K generation.
Be aware that V0 is actually an alias of V1 and fully compatible.
Management API
The fiskaly management API is a RESTful API that can be used for automating concerns within the fiskaly dashboard.
The fiskaly E-Receipt API is a RESTful API that can be used for automated generation of digital receipts.
Only fiskaly SIGN DE API V2+ uses certified components, do NOT start new projects based on V0/V1.
Note, that the fiskaly Sign DE API V0 and V1 are deprecated and in maintenance mode since 30.08.2021. Please use fiskaly SIGN DE V2 instead. V0 and V1 will be held operational until 30.12.2022. Please make sure to export all relevant data until this date.
As of 15.03.2022 the V0 is deprecatated, moving into an operational maintenance mode.