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Do you need our expert development team to guide you through the integration process of the fiskaly SIGN ES API? Watch this webinar about the technical integration of SIGN ES, available in English and Spanish.

The Spanish (Veri*factu) and Basque (TicketBAI) Cash Security Regulation is being introduced to the market right now. With different due-dates, the Spanish financial authorities (Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria and Haciendas Forales) are requiring that your PoS-Solution complies with certain organizational and technical requirements. These requirements are forming the basis for a tamper-proof operation of cash registers in Spain, including the Basque Country.

By using SIGN ES, you will be complying with the legal regulations as soon as the final version is released.

SIGN ES is a platform-independent and software-only solution. SIGN ES is a RESTful API. The only thing you need in order to integrate SIGN ES is a stable internet connection.

About TicketBAI

TicketBAI is a joint project of the Basque Government and the regional tax administrations of the three Basque provinces: Araba, Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia. TicketBAI is a software-based fiscalization system that was designed to prevent manipulation of tax-related information and prevent fraud.

TicketBAI applies to:

  • All natural and legal persons and entities that carry out an economic activity that falls within the jurisdiction of the Basque Tax Administration in personal tax income or society income, as established in the Economic Agreement with the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country (Law 12/2002, of May 23 (Spanish only)).

  • The supply of goods and the provision of services, in B2B and B2C operations.

  • In-store and online sales.

  • Paper and/or electronic invoices issued.

The basic process of TicketBAI compliance consists of:

1) The billing or POS system is equipped with a TicketBAI guarantor software.

2) An XML file or “TicketBAI File” is generated and electronically signed using a digital certificate. This file will contain the corresponding TicketBAI footprints: chaining to the previously generated file and information about the software used.

3) The XML Files are automatically sent to the corresponding tax authorities.

4) The issued invoice contains the TicketBAI ID code and QR code.


Once you integrate SIGN ES API, you will already be compliant with TicketBAI.


BATUZ is the initiative of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia aimed at using new technologies to combat tax fraud. Its implementation requires all individuals engaged in economic activities in Bizkaia to invoice using a system adapted to TicketBAI, which is a billing software that meets specific transparency requirements.

BATUZ conist of three fundamental components:

1) TicketBAI: Its implementation will ensure that every invoice issued is declared.

2) Requirement to keep LROE books (Libro Registro de Operaciones Económicas).

3) Preparation of VAT, Corporate and Income tax drafts: with the information submitted, the Tax Authorities will prepare drafts for individuals and legal entities.

SIGN ES complies with all the requirements set by TicketBAI, and allows for the submission of the subchapter of issued invoices of the LROE. However, further responsibilities related to points 2 and 3 lie on the taxpayer.

About LROE

All persons or entities that carry out economic activities in Spanish territory and that are subject to Personal Income Tax, Corporation Tax or IRNR in Bizkaia are obliged to file the LROE. Form 140 corresponds to individuals, while legal entities and non-resident taxpayers with a permanent establishment must file form 240. These forms serve as declarations to the tax authorities where individuals and companies report their income, expenses, and invoices.

In SIGN ES, the distinction between an individual and a company is done automatically according to the NIF (tax_number) structure. The corresponding type of entity will be assigned in the response after creating a new taxpayer.

LROE Structure

The LROE is structured according to the following chapters and subchapters:

Model 140Model 240
1 - Income and issued invoices
  1.1 - Income with issued invoices (guarantor software)
  1.2 - Income with issued invoices (without guarantor software)
  1.3 - Income without invoice
1 - Issued invoices
  1.1 - Issued invoices (guarantor software)
  1.2 - Issued invoices (without guarantor software)
2 - Expenses and received invoices
  2.1 - Expenses with invoices
  2.2 - Expenses without invoices
2 - Received Invoices
3 - Affected or investment assets
  3.1 - Addition of affected or investment assets
  3.2 - Improvement of affected or investment assets
  3.3 - Disposal of affected or investment assets
  3.4 - Annual regularization of investment assets
3 - Investment Assets
4 - Certain Intracommunitary Operations
  4.1 - Intracommunity transfers, expert reports, and other
  4.2 - Sale of goods on consignment
4 - Certain Intracommunitary Operations
  4.1- Intracommunity transfers, expert reports, and other
  4.2 - Sale of goods on consignment
5 - Cash Basis / Cash and Payment Criterion
  5.1 - Receipts
  5.2 - Payments
5 - Cash Basis
  5.1 - Receipts
  5.2 - Payments
6 - Provisions and supplies 6 - Other Information of Tax Relevance
  6.1 - Amounts over 6,000 euros received in cash
  6.2 - Insurance operations
  6.3 - Travel agencies
7 - Other information of tax relevance
  7.1 - Inventory variation
  7.2 - Leases of business premises
  7.3 - Property transfers subject to VAT
  7.4 - Amounts over 6,000 euros received in cash
8 - Asset Grouping
  8.1 - Addition of asset groupings
  8.2 - Disposal of asset groupings


FAQs can be accessed via support.fiskaly.com.

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