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Software Registration

The TicketBAI Software has to be registered in the TicketBAI Guarantor Software List.

Using a software that is registered is not explicitly mandatory by law, but it is nevertheless necessary. TBAI XML files must contain information about the software in accordance to its registration, including: name, version, developer entity and a TicketBAI license - which is provided once this registration is complete. In the SIGN ES API, this information is provided when creating a Signing Device.

To register a software within the Basque Province’s lists, the developer company has to submit a technical description of the software regarding it’s compliance with the TicketBAI obligation. Furthermore, a declaration of responsibility is submitted, stating compliance with TicketBAI requirements and responsibility for changes within the system in case of mandatory modifications.

Inscription of the software in one of the Basque Country’s Provinces implies being able to comply with TicketBAI Legislation in the three of them.

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