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Digital receipt

As an alternative to the printed version, the invoice and simplified invoice may be issued eletronically in the form of a digital receipt, in which case the print is not required. The digital receipt may be issued to the consumer in form of a QR-Code, via SMS or email, or directly delivered to the consumers app when linked to a payment transaction or a registered loyalty card.

After the TicketBAI codes (Identifier and QR) are obtained, a digital receipt can easily be created by calling the digital receipt API of fiskaly. All the relevant data for the invoice can be passed to the CreateReceipt endpoint along with the obtained TicketBAI codes.

The obtained response contains a public url, which can be displayed as a QR-Code to the consumer. The consumer has the option to scan the QR-Code, thereby, making a printed receipt obsolete.

Sample receipt with TicketBAI codes

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