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Dev News 14

· 2 min de lectura
Hannah Roegele


  • Deployed improvements to our backend component (bug fixes, more informative errors). ­


v1.2.0 - deployment 2022-02-24

  • Added order_by and order query parameters to the List all vat definitions endpoint.
  • Fixed a problem with Cash Point Closings that contained transactions that were not signed by the SIGN API.
  • Fixed number validation for big numbers.

v1.1.1 - deployment 2022-02-21

  • Fixed a problem with creating exports of cash point closings with a specific client_id.

v1.1.0 - deployment 2022-02-17

  • Increased performance of insertCashPointClosing.
  • Added possibility to filter results of listExports by business date.
  • Making transaction IDs case-insensitive for cash point closings.
  • Fixed duplicate API specs.
  • Fixed duplicate Cash Point Closings on the listCashPointClosings endpoint.
  • Fixed a problem when using multiple cash registers with multiple revisions.
  • Fixed a bug in the exported lines.csv.



  • Improved Docs: FAQ.
  • More descriptions etc. available and working on more detailed information.
  • Extended response from signing endpoint by legal texts that are required to be placed in the receipts depending on the signing outcome and receipt type.





  • We strive to improve our systems, but as in all software projects, there will be issues. For a faster workflow read our article on How to raise an issue.
  • How do you achieve a smooth-running system with fiskaly? Read our article on Error and timeout handling.




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Hannah from fiskaly

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